Workplace light

Light and brightness play a key role in modern architecture. When facing interior decoration, subconsciously the first thing that comes to mind is the light and brightness of the place. Workspace lighting has its own rules and requires standards that are different from residential environments. This science is also closely related to the science of ergonomics. Ergonomics seeks to find the best relationship between humans and the workplace in order to achieve the highest efficiency. Therefore, no one can conceal the effect of lighting on work efficiency. Also, studies show that the light of the workplace is one of the most influential factors in customer feedback on an organization. In the following, we will examine the principles of light management in the workplace.

The most important point in the standard design of workplace lighting is to check the available lights as well as choose the appropriate method according to the characteristics of the place. These lights include: natural light, direct light, indirect light, halogen light, radiant light and spot light. Each of the mentioned lights has its own advantages. During the selection of the lights, the characteristics of that place and people’s tastes should be considered.

Workplace light
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The most crucial criteria that should be considered to evaluate workplace lighting are: light intensity, types of light used, light color, lighting level, light harmony of decor fixtures, light direction, light shading and light brightness. Although the mentioned criteria have their own principles and rules, the role of taste and aesthetic level of decision makers should also be taken into account.

Workplace lighting tips:

  • One of the important points to consider is the optimal use of light and energy saving. Observing the principles of saving, in addition to economic benefits, also has cultural and social effects.
  • Building an optimal balance between natural light with artificial light. As mentioned earlier, lighting is actually an art, and art is nothing but creating balance. In addition, balancing between direct and indirect light is another factor that must be considered in interior design.
  • Another factor to consider is the amount of visual activity in the area. In general, the more visual activity in a space, the more lighting is needed. Increasing the brightness has a positive impact on the speed and accuracy of activities. Besides, the more complex the visual activity, such as educational issues, the greater the need for light levels and intensities.
  • The brighter the ceiling and floor of the place, the less need for artificial light. Obviously, the bright color can better reflects the light. Bright colors also help to reflect light uniformly.
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Ignoring the principles of lighting in the workplace can lead to fatigue, boredom, stress, lack of patience and inefficiency. Also, non-compliance with the principles of lighting will seriously damage the brand and its reputation. Therefore, observing the principles of lighting, apart from aesthetic issues, has a great impact on the efficiency and brand of the company. Nik Tab Noor Yazd Company with the brand of Loop Light is proud to offer you the latest workplace lighting designs at the best price to you dear customers.

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